We need to talk about belly fat

Belly fat doesn’t just keep you from looking your best or from fitting into your favourite clothes. The consequences go much deeper. Belly fat can drag down your energy levels, leaving you feeling sluggish and moody. Even more worryingly, excess weight around the abdomen is scientifically proven to lead to potential illnesses such as heart disease, diabetes and high blood pressure.

The science

A research study1 investigating the link between visceral fat, insulin resistance and vascular disease showed that fat can impair artery dilation – leading to more local fat-storage. So, in a cruel (and not virtuous) cycle, the body areas where you already have fatty tissue are prime targets for more fat storage. This makes fat loss in these areas even more challenging – and frustrating. That’s why belly fat seems so ‘stubborn’ and hard to shift.

There is hope: this study also suggests that exercise that increases blood flow to ‘problem areas’ may boost your body’s natural ability to burn fat locally. How? By alleviate the vasoconstriction caused by excess fat. 

Science shows that during exercise, your muscles can use either dietary carbohydrate or fat. Steady low-intensity cardio exercise is excellent at maximising fat burning. Ironically, more intense exercise can shift your body from burning fat to burning glycogen and glucose.2,3

Good nutrition combined with regular and gentle exercise (with your doctor’s approval) should boost your overall fitness, stamina and endurance. The challenge is to hone that effort and achieve focused fat-burning on your waistline.

That’s where TechnoShape can help. As you do gentle exercise on a treadmill, elliptical trainer or bike, our patented Pressure Pause Therapy (PPT) gently boosts blood circulation in the hard-to-reach abdominal area. The combination helps you

metabolise fatty acids faster through lipolysis: the process by which stored fatty acids are released into the bloodstream to be used by muscles for energy.

The results on belly fat are nothing short of astonishing. Most people lose 3 inches from their waist in just 4 weeks of regular use of TechnoShape plus a healthy diet. It’s no wonder that celebrity fitness trainers are recommending TechnoShape for a flatter stomach, slimmer waist, even firmer skin. 

Again, the benefits of losing belly fat go deeper than just looking slimmer or being able to wear your best clothes. You’ll probably experience a measurable increase in energy and vitality. You’ll feel virtuous for taking charge of your health and warding off some potentially serious health issues. You’ll also feel positively empowered by all the flattering comments from friends and family, and from seeing the results for yourself in the mirror. The impressively quick impact is so affirming, you’ll feel encouraged to carry on with your new good habits, on your journey to better health and wellbeing.


1. Vasocrine signalling from perivascular fat: a mechanism linking insulin resistance to vascular disease.

Yudkin JS, Eringa E, Stehouwer CD.

2. Achten J, Gleeson M, Jeukendrup AE. Determination of the exercise intensity that elicits maximal fat oxidation.

Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2002;34(1):92–97.

3. Achten J, Jeukendrup A. Maximal fat oxidation during exercise in trained men. Int J Sports Med. 2003;24(08):603–


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